Friday, June 2, 2006


  Thank all of you ladies who took time to encourage me yesterday and today.  I can tell at least someone was praying for me.  Even though I didn't sleep well or long last night, my overwheming fatigue is gone today, and I haven't once felt like crying so far!  Of course, I haven't been faced with someone asking me to go somewhere today either.  : )  I have been able to spend a peaceful day at home, and Lord willing I will tomorrow, too. 
   To answer a few of the questions brought up quickly:  No, I don't exercise enough or go outside enough.  I always notice a big difference if I go outside even for a few minutes, so it baffles me why I never think to take the time to do that enough.  We do eat a pretty healthy diet.  It is not perfect by any means, but we make our own bread (most of the time--it slides when the schedule gets so busy), I buy a good bit of organic, although not as much as I'd like.  I drink oj in the morning, and pretty much water the rest of the time.  I occasionally have decaf tea, and sometimes a tiny bit of Coke, but not daily.  We don't usually eat too many sweets or junk food.  We take loads of whole food vitamins and herbs.  I wish I could come up with casseroles and dinners that didn't have so many noodles, and things my family would actually eat. It seems like everything has pasta and tomato sauce.  I like both, but would like to get away from so many things with pasta. 
    Actually my husband has volunteered to take the little ones somewhere every so often for the afternoon.  He'll gladly do it if I ask him to.  There just hasn't been much time.  I have to decide not to feel guilty for not going to do fun things with them--hiking, etc, especially since that's something I'd like to do, too.  Our Bible study Tues. night and reading your comments have helped me realize how much I do out of guilt.  I am really going to work on that. 
   It has been a pretty quiet day around here.  Marissa worked on making a play on the computer for a while, Daniella and I played a board game, I did some housework, I read for a little while, and Briana played with Marissa and Daniella up in their room for about 2 hours this afternoon. 
   I'm very excited for James.  He was finally able to buy a "new" truck this afternoon.  His was a 1992, much too small for his work, and running on prayers--literally for a few years now.  He would pray every morning when he got in that it would make it to the job sites. He's replaced almost every part in that thing, including the engine.  You'd think it would have run like new.  It finally gave it up earlier this week.  What was funny is that he was only 100 yards from our driveway, but it just died and wouldn't go anywhere.  We had to call AAA to come tow it up the road to our yard.  God blessed him with some extra work this year, and we have been putting all of that into savings so that we could pay cash for a truck.  A subcontractor of his is going to buy the old truck for $1500, hopefully this weekend.  Thankfully, it lasted until we had enough cash to pay for the new one. 

Marissa creating a play.  The list in front of her are words she asks us how to spell for her to use in the dialogue.

Daniella playing Herd Your Horses with Mama.

James and "Behemoth". 

I hope all of you ladies have a blessed weekend.  Thank you again, and please continue to pray for me to hear God's direction.
I love you all in the Lord!

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