Saturday, March 17, 2007

Graduation and other Life Happenings

Briana, my 2nd oldest, graduates from our homeschool this year!  How did this happen?  She's my baby!  I keep telling her she's too little to graduate.  You know how it works--your oldest is the one whom you expect to accomplish all the firsts in record time.  You push-no, no, no,--you "encourage" them (yes, that's better) to sit up, walk, talk, learn to do this, learn to do that.   The first one graduates, and you're like--"See this is my oldest child.  She's  GRADUATING".  Then the baby comes along, and she's......well....the baby.  AND SHE'S TOO LITTLE TO GRADUATE!!!    Yes, I do know that technically, she's not the baby.  She's the 2nd of four.  But, she was the baby for 8 years before Marissa came along, so she will always be my baby.  Now before anyone misreads, this has nothing to do with how much I love and adore the oldest or the baby, or any in between.  It's just how you see your children in the birth order.  It is something that I try to stay mindful of as I parent them all.
Briana is enjoying her senior year.  She only had one and a half credits to finish, so her required "school" load has been light.   It has been decided that she will go to college, because she has a specific goal in mind.  She wants to be an interior designer.  We have discussed and considered apprenticeships, but have decided to go the college route.  So, in addition to her one credit left this semester, she is also studying for CLEP tests.  She's studying for Composition 1 and U.S. History 1 right now.  If those go well, there are several others that she will probably try.  The rest of her basic courses she will work on at the local community college next year. 
We went last week to have her senior portraits made.  She had great fun with them, and they came out so gorgeous.  It was so hard to choose.  They will be ready for pickup in 2 weeks.   Briana will also be participating in the Smoky Mountain Home Education Association graduation ceremonies in May.  We have started having once a month meetings to prepare for those.   She also made the decision, along with her teacher, to have a senior piano recital, so she has been busy, busy practicing.  She will play 6-8 songs.  Two will be piano/violin duets with another homeschooler.  She is on the praise dance team that our church is having for the Easter musical, and she's also looking forward to her senior ballet recital.  Of course, she still helps me a bunch and volunteers at an assisted living center serving dinner.  It's a fun, busy, and blessed time for her. 
Both of the older girls spent several hours Thursday as volunteers manning phones at a Compassion International marathon at a Knoxville radio station.  They each sponsor a little girl, Ashley's in Ethiopia, and Briana's in Columbia, and they just love them so much.  I have a child, too, in India.  The 2 day goal for the marathon was to have 125 sponsored.  They ended up with over 350. 
I just LOVE being the mother of these girls.  They were fun, and I loved being their mom when they were little, too, but I love it even more now.  They have matured into beautiful young women.  They are fun, mature, Godly, friends.  Of course, their issues are more complex-adult issues that require so much wisdom and prayer, and sometimes long middle-of-the-night conversations, but I am so honored, and love helping them work through them, chit-chatting with them, discussing scripture, lying in the bed giggling, and the relationship we have.  They both have hearts of gold, love the Lord, and love serving others. 
Personally, I didn't really do a whole lot this week--nothing newsworthy, at least.  So, I have lived here vicariously through my daughters.  I did have a splurge of sorts today.  I spent approximately 3 1/2 hours on the phone today.  I don't talk on the phone too often, so that was a really long time.  First I visited with Amy Beth for quite a while.  I really, really enjoyed our conversation.  Then a friend that I haven't talked to in over a year called, and we talked for about 2 1/2 hours at least.  As little as I got done today, it was so worth it.  Talking to these ladies was so encouraging and lifted my spirits today.
My "Big Girls"


Thursday, March 8, 2007


About 7 years ago, our family was introduced to the concept of "not dating".  Over the years, we have read numerous books and articles on the subject.  Our older girls chose on their own to not date.  It was not something we had to force on them or make them understand, so we've had it easy so far.  They understood the Biblical principles behind waiting, and chose it. 
One thing I have learned over the 20 years that I've been a mom is that when your children are little, it is easy to read books and think you know all the answers.  It's easy to plan out "this is how it will be".  Unfortunately, this fails to take into account the personalities of our young adults, and it mostly fails to take into account-God. 
I am not talking about moral and Biblical commands.  I am not talking about compromising on issues that the Lord has led you to.  I am talking about not putting God, and our children, in our own man-made box. 
Seven years later, we still believe in the idea of waiting.  We still believe that to be God's best for our children.  Our girls still believe that, too.  However, our concept of what that will look like has changed, and sometimes changed again.  In fact, right now we are at the point of having little preconceived notion of what that will look like!  Since our oldest is 20 years old, that's a scary place to find ourselves.  It would seem this should be the time that we should really start pinpointing exactly what we expect . 
If you read all the books and articles, they will tell you the things you should do if you want your child to "court."  They explain all the do's and don'ts of successful courtship.  Let me venture off subject for a minute.  If you're reading this, chances are you are a homeschooler.  You know that there are Biblical directives on teaching our children. These verses are what tell us that God does not want our Christian children in the Godless setting of the public schools.  However, there are no verses in the Bible that tell us exactly what teaching our children at home must look like.  We can read the experts on child development, and know that certain principles are right and best for children.  We can know how children learn best.  However, when it all comes down to it, we must pray and seek God in what and how we are to teach them.   We must look at our family's giftings and interests to determine the best path for our family.  There are no legalistic rules of what it has to look like.
Now, look back at courtship.  We find many Biblical principles to tell us that traditional dating is full of temptations and consequences that a Christian should not be exposed to.  The experts in the field tell us ways they believe will help secure a "successful" courtship experience--lots of do's and don'ts.  Some of these we can see would be good and healthy.  However, just like choosing our method of homeschooling, there are not specific instructions in the Bible, aside from absolute morals,  of what our child's "courtship" should look like.  The only secure way of our children finding God's mate for them is through constant communication with God.
We must be careful not to put God in a box.  Courtship books tell us how our daughter is to meet her future husband, how he should become aquainted with her, how we should become aquainted with him, what the courtship should look like, how long it should last, how they should be allowed to see one another.  While there may be great guiding principles in those "rules", and we can learn much from the Godly counsel of those who have gone before us, I think we are wrong to decide ahead of time that this is the way it WILL be.  "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps."  Prov. 16:9.  We must leave room for God to work in the circumstances of the life He has given us, and what He desires for our child's future.  Only He knows the big  picture. 
At the same time, we must be careful not to sell God short.  God is also very capable of bringing the person she prays for, and even in the way we have dreamed it would happen.  We should never settle for less than GOD's best.  The point is being open to what God's best is-not just what our limited vision thinks is best.  How many times has God led us to places that we never dreamed we would be?  Ashley has a list that she made a few years ago of all the characteristics and traits she desires in a husband.  As unrealistic as the average person might think making a list is, nothing is impossible with God.  He can meet all the desires of her heart.  ........and on the other hand......he does not have to be limited by that list.  Don't miss out on the person God has planned for your child just because you prayed he would like veggies, and this guy doesn't.  If you prayed for that, and he does, then that's just a wonderful free gift from your Father, who loves you and knows what you need.  Or, perhaps he knows you need a little mix in your diet!    (I really did read of a girl who wanted someone who loved brocolli!)
As I said before, I am not talking about compromising on Biblical principles.  We will not settle for someone who is not a strong Christian, who does not have the capabilities of being a Biblical family leader, who does not love children, and several others.  Here are some other factors that we know will be a part of our girls' "courtship."
 - Parental blessing and family involvement (on both sides)
 - both at the age and maturity level to consider marriage (in other words, it's not just for fun)
-  relationship is based on a good friendship before romance develops
 - All involved parties continually seeking God's will in the relationship
- A clear standard of purity
No matter their age, start praying now for your child's future spouse, and how they will meet .  It is never too early.  Read all you can find on courtship.  Learn from those who have been there.  Then pray some more.  Look for those principles you agree with and feel are right for your family.  Then pray some more.  But through it all, leave room for God to work.  Don't put Him in a box of rules, but don't sell Him short, either. 

Monday, March 5, 2007

Dance as Worship

Read this entry on dance in the church, and give Ashley your feedback.
I hope to write an entry on courtship this week, too.  If any of you have been through courtship, I really, really want to hear your input!