Monday, May 11, 2009

Minuettes and Nature Walks

  We had a really fun Mother's Day weekend around here.  On Saturday morning, Marissa went to an American Girl birthday party.  They all dressed up in either their best dresses, or period costumes if they had them.  A dance instructor came and taught them a minuette, and they all brought home a little tea cup and saucer as their party favor.  Marissa won a prize for best costume.  : ) 
(For some reason, HSB is making all of my pictures look mosaic when I resized them today.  ugh)

Playing Ring Around The Rosies with their dolls.  : )

Dancing a Minuette~

A Happy Mother's Day
This is a new address book from Daniella~

A wonderful handmade card from Marissa (along with some yummy chocolates)~

I also got some cool glitter pens for scrapbooking from Ashley, the cd "The Blessing" by John Waller from Briana, and some perinnials for the backyard and a scented diffuser from James.  We went to the National Park (Great Smokies) for an easy nature walk by the river.  We had a wonderful time. 

Daniella in front of an old pioneer fireplace~

Camo tree  : ) ~

Lots of purple butterflies~

The trail has quite a few 3D plaques of the different leaves found on the trees on this trail.  The girls took their drawing pads and did rubbings of them.~

Crystal clear mountain water~

And to end a great day, Briana came home last night, and will be here until Wed. evening!
I hope all of you had a terrific Mother's Day!

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