Monday, August 20, 2007

Did Eve Have PMS?

Okay, I know, that's really weird.  But, really.  Did she?  Did she snap Adam's head off for no particular reason when he came in from a hunt?  Did she sit in a dark corner of the cave and cry over nothing?  Scripture says that the woman would have pain in childbirth.  It didn't say anything about once a month.  Or, are we just to assume that went along with it?  However, some women now don't suffer, or very little.  Although, I am unfortunately not one of them, I have heard women say that they barely know it's there.  Well, that's not fair.  And, you'd think that if it was a consequence of woman's sin, then we'd all suffer.  So, is it possible that PMS, or as in my case DMS (During), is a result of the steady decline of our health due to poor diet choices and environmental yuck?  When was the first case of it?  I'm assuming no one really has the answers to my warped questions, but you can't ever tell.
I loved Christian comedian writer Becky Freeman's take on it in her book A View From the Porch Swing.    Her husband thought she was having a breakdown, and she knew it wasn't that time, so he sent her off to a cabin for a few days alone.....
......."It had been a touch of hormones afterall!  Then it dawned on me, if this had been Old Testament times, under Levitical law I'd have been routinely exiled like this--"set apart seven days" for 'customary impurity.' 
    I used to think, How awful to be 'put away' like you were something disgraceful just because it was your God-ordained female time of the month!  Now, I'm beginning to see the brillance of such a plan.  Oh, I might have protested the injustice of it all on some level if I'd lived back then, but eventually I believe it would have dawned on me that this shunning deal was not a bad arrangement for all concerned.  True, the men probably felt slightly superior.  But as long as the woman had a week off to go somewhere to sit and relax without having to skin goats or shear sheep or make stew, who cared?  Could this have been God's gift to women--a seven-day monthly jubilee?
    I keep envisioning that famous children's story where Br'er Rabbit pleads with Br'er Bear, 'Please, oh, please--just don't throw me in the brier patch!'  Only I picture an Israelite woman hiding her smile as she says, "please, oh, please--you're nt telling me I'm unclean are you?  What?  You want me to just sit?  Sit and relax, you say?  I can't even lift a tiny finger to cook or clean or scrub pots or milk goats?  How terrible."

I'm seriously thinking of trying to get this instigated in our house. 
That was just her fun look at the dreamy possibility.  Her point was really about women sometimes needing downtime, but it does sound good, doesn't it?  I'll tell you something, though.  As I've gotten older, I have definitely realized the value of taking it easier during that week.  I don't get to be shunned, but, I am thankful for a husband who understands that there are a few rough days, and on those days there may not be much accomplished.  I have had many years of pushing my way through it, and no one benefits (and as you get old like   me(!) your perspective changes! .   We need to take care of ourselves, listen to our bodies and our spirits, explain it to our husbands if need be, and "enjoy" a day or two of shunning.  Have an easy supper or two, read a little more that day, stay off your feet, take a nap.....if you feel like I do, then you aren't joking when you say you're taking a sick day!!
Take care of yourselves ladies!  A little care today, will make our families much happier!


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