Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Am Sick

I am sick. I am really sick. I have been sick for 6 months. Actually, I have been sick since April 2005, but got mostly better during that time. This is my heart crying out post, because sometimes you just have to do that. I'm sure some will say I am feeling sorry for myself. Maybe. Nevertheless, my heart aches right now. Not as much that I have been almost completely housebound for 6 months; not that anytime I do step out of the house to do anything with my family I have to spend the next day or 2 on the couch or in bed; not that I have had a major relapse this past week and am possibly worse than when I started and am almost completely bedridden at this point; not that my body is not healing like it should have by this time. My heart aches because I am alone.

Maybe that's my fault because I have tried not to complain. I have tried not to whine on fb about how bad I feel. Or, maybe it's because even though many people know I am sick, they haven't cared or taken the time to show they care. My name has been on the church prayer list for 5 1/2 months. The day after it went on one lady emailed to ask me what was wrong. Haven't heard from her since. The new pastor called after a few weeks and ...left James a voice mail, I think. Three other people have sent cards...two of those in the last month. I have not been able to step foot in church since June. You'd think someone would notice or care. My husband is a deacon and has served on several committees (not that that is important...just that he has been very active), my older girls were in the choir, on the praise dance team, etc., my younger girls are very active in the children's programs. No, I haven't been very active in programs because of this underlying sickness. Still.....

No one from the church, from my life, from our family has once asked if we needed anything. My husband is, for all practical purposes, a single parent. He does almost all the cooking....right now he does all of it. I have been able to cook maybe 10 easy meals in the last 6 months. Our oldest daughter has cooked a few on some weekends she has been home. My 2 younger girls have their daily chores to help keep up with the house, but those are far from all that needs doing. He keeps the kitchen clean, vacuums, cleans anything that I ask him to because it is getting bad, takes the girls to church, piano, and anywhere they need to go....this afternoon it's a birthday party...yesterday it was shopping for a gift for the party. He does the grocery shopping, runs the errands, and, oh, yes...did I mention that he has his own job? No one has offered a meal, no one has asked how they could help, no one has offered to pick my children up and take them to an outing with their kids. No one, but those few, has even noticed.

Funny, the one person who consistently reaches out to me and asks how I am is a lady whom I have never met, who lives in PA, and who has a debilitating sickness of her own. She has 4 young children with special needs, too. I am so humbled and blessed every time I get a note from her telling me she is thinking about me and that she is praying for me. My needs are nothing compared to hers.

Maybe this is all to show me that I haven't been the help and encourager God wants me to be. Maybe it's to show me how I have failed at helping others around me, though I have tried anytime God has shown me a need. Believe me. I have searched my heart.
I know I failed at least one friend, but not realizing how hard life was when her husband had an injury. I love to encourage people, but maybe that has not been enough to show God's love to others. Even before 6 months ago, I had to be careful and rest a lot, so I continue to pray over what God wants it to look like in my life. I don't know what any of it for any of us should look like. I only know that this hurts and this is lonely.

This post, although it sounds like it, is not about pointing fingers. It's about the facts, it's about my heart longing for someone to love on us because they want to, it's about needing to express how lonely a long illness is. I suppose if I had cancer or had had a heart attack or something the world views as significant, I would have more people around at least for a while. I know there a few people praying, and that is great. In the meantime, I encourage us all to look for the people around us who are missing, who are hurting, who are sick..especially for long periods of time..and to reach out to those people. You may just be the help and the smile their heart needs that day.

I must end with saying I am blessed. I have a husband who is a hero. Not once has he complained (out loud anyway!! : ) ), and on top of the physical needs of running the home, he has also been there to encourage me..and I have needed it often. I have 2 young daughters at home who make me laugh every day and give me hugs. And, most of all God has continually encouraged me with his Word, He has given me hope, and He loves me.


  1. Letitia~ have I told you lately that I love you? You know, you're either way too quiet with your problems (I know because I tend to be the same way - I don't like to be the center of attention in any way) or I've been so stressed with other things that I didn't take the time to find out more about you. I apologize, sweet friend.

    I will be praying for you. I've been beyond blessed this week - with cards, gifts, calls. I wish I could bless you in some way. I think I told you on FB the other day, but let me know if you need someone to talk to anytime. I have free long distance and I'd love to chat with your fun Southern sweetness. :)


  2. Letitia, I too am a blogger from ease TN, near my beloved Smoky Mtns. I found you thru a mutual friend, a gorgeous heart from PA. :-)

    Please know that you are in my prayers. Your hubby too. And since we live somewhere near you, please let me know if there is anything I can do, besides pray. You can contact me by clicking on my name, thru google.



  3. I just have to tell you again how much this moved me. I have fallen short in the past, too, because I just didn't realize what an impact an extended illness has on a family.

    I've had similar experiences when people asked what was going on, I explained, and then never heard from them again. Really painful...

    This is a beautifully written eye-opener. There are so many lonely, struggling people out there, and it doesn't take much to brighten their day. Thank you for the reminder, my friend.

    Sending you so much love and lots of prayers...

  4. Oh Letitia, I had a very similar conversation with my husband a few weeks ago. I know that other people are busy and that my illness is chronic AND invisible so it's easily overlooked. But I SO just needed someone to lend a hand. It made me feel like I had let my world get too small, but I think that's almost inevitable when your illness IS fatigue, pain, and depression.

    I appreciate your boldness and heart for sharing this message. Maybe we can chat on the phone sometime, compare notes, & encourage each other?

    I'll be praying for you. Sending much love and (((hugs))) your way.

  5. You are so loved, Letitia! I know that I get so wrapped up in my "oh, woas me" life that I forget to look (and pray) beyond my four walls. And yet, I find it so helpful to have others to focus on and pray for to get my mind off of I am definitely adding you to my prayers. Keep us updated on specific needs and requests we can be praying for you and your family. God's got you...and I do not doubt will continue to provide for all of your physical and emotional needs through this valley. You all are such an inspiration to me.

    Love ya bunches!

  6. Me again. :) I just wanted to add that you're not allowed to apologize for not reaching out enough! We both get busy and caught up in our lives, but I know that I can always go to you and that you'll listen to me not matter how down I am, and I know that you pray for me. I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me. That is such a gift, and I cherish it.
    I don't reach out as much as I'd like, either, but I'm always an email away, and I'm always praying for you!

  7. I haven't been on your blog in SO long, and couldn't believe it when this was the first post I saw - I am praying for you!
