We had a great weekend celebrating. They got here about 5:00 Sat. (Ashley's birthday). We hung out for a short while, opened gifts, then went to Bellacino's/ZMex for supper.

On Sunday morning, Daniella was baptized! She has been so thrilled looking forward to it. This is Brother Jeff, our pastor, whom she just loves. Every Sunday she runs up to him, tells him she loves him, and gives him a big hug. In the baptismal, he even told the congregation that she was very special to him. He has always taken to the girls, because he did lots of mission work, and lived for a while, in Guatemala.

Ashley and Briana had to be at church early to practice for a praise dance. This is a dance that Briana has been in before, so she was able to just practice at "home", then practice with them Sunday morning before they shared it during church. This was the first time my mom had ever seen their praise dance in person, plus she got to see Daniella baptized.

After church we came home, ate lunch, then packed up. Ashley wanted to go to the river for a cookout for her birthday celebration, so we drove about 35 min. to Metcalf Bottoms in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The weather was perfect and we had lots of fun.
Read a good book sitting next to the river (A couple of people even took a snooze sitting there!)

Playing Apples to Apples

Acted silly

Did the Tango~or otherwise......acted silly

Enjoyed Family

Marissa and Daniella had a great time riding bikes around the picnic area, especially since we have little room for them to ride here. The pictures of Daniella came out too dark. : (

There was also some kick ball, badminton without a net, games of Uno, exploring the wooded areas looking at spiders, berries, flowers, bugs, etc., and a walk. We stayed until dark, then stopped for ice cream on the way home. : )
This morning we played Apples to Apples again, and then after lunch all 8 of us~My mom and dad and our whole family~ played a comical, sometimes fiesty game of Country J. It was interesting in our backyard (long and narrow) with 6 people in the "outfield". There was some tackling, tickling, chasing, and lots of laughing.
Then the sad part of saying goodbye. The good thing is that we will be headed over to spend 3 nights with them at the end of this week for Briana's birthday.
Now it's time for mom's nap!