Friday, February 8, 2008

Which Book Do I Choose?

Okay~ a book meme is supposed to be a simple thing, right?  Pick up the book nearest you, and turn to a certain page.  The problem is there is a stack of books to the left of the computer, a stack of books to the right of the computer, and 2 books in the floor next to the computer.  I can't figure out which one is closest.   No, really.  This is messing me up!  Then, even if I can figure out which one is closer, none of them are mine!  I am feeling a desperate need for a week on the beach with my husband!  : )  I told my girls tonight that I am totally and completely tired of thinking.  And, I am.  All day I have been avoiding it as much as possible.  Now, which book?  The ones to the left are all computery types of books~boring.  So, I'm going to go for the ones to the right, mostly because they are easier to reach than bending down on the floor.  Am I totally pathetic, or what? 
Book Meme
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people
"What is happening?" 
Sam paused, for a moment unable to gather his thoughts.  "You're right."
Taken from No Legal Grounds by James Scott Bell.  Sounds really suspenseful.  Maybe I should read it. 
I was tagged by kimalitaI am so glad she stopped by.  I read some of her entries for the first time tonight, and really enjoyed them.  She seems to have such a sweet spirit, and we have some of the same thoughts on homeschooling. 
If you made it through the first half of this warped post and kept reading, then you really are my friend!  I promise to try to be more intelligent next time.

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