interviewed 3 of her children, and their answers just cracked me up. I
asked her if I could borrow her questions, and this is what I got:
Marissa's answers~
1. What is something Mom always says to you? Marissa quit
2. What makes Mom happy? giving her hugs
3. What makes Mom sad? when she can't scrapbook
4. How does Mom make you laugh? when she tickles me
5. What was Mom like as a child? she lived in the old days
6. When is Mom's birthday? June something, I think
7. How tall is Mom? 6'2"~"just a random guess"
8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do? blog
9. What does Mom do when you're not around? scrapbook, blog, read, clean house
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for? "cooking ~ some mistakes may occur"
11. What is Mom really good at? reading
12. What is Mom not very good at? (snickers and giggles) "I've got several things in mind. run slow"
13. What does Mom do for a job? clean the house
14. What is Mom's favorite food? beef noodle casserole ("beef noodly stuff")
15. What makes you happy about Mom? when we cook together
16. If Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Minnie Mouse
17. What do you and Mom do together? read, work puzzles
18. How are you and Mom alike? We like Extreme Home Makeover and the Waltons
19. How are you and Mom different? She likes to watch decorating shows
20. How do you know Mommy loves you? She tells me.
Just for the record, I watch a decorating show maybe twice a month. And, I'm tall, but not close to 6'2". LOL.
Daniella's answers~
1. What is something Mom always says to you? Pick up your toys
2. What makes Mom happy? when I'm happy with my sister
3. What makes Mom sad? being sick
4. How does Mom make you laugh? tell funny jokes
5. What was Mom like as a child? a baby
6. When is Mom's birthday? April? I don't know.
7. How tall is Mom? 3 feet
8. What is Mom's favorite thing to do? play games with us
9. What does Mom do when you're not around? pick up our toys (she wishes!)
10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for? being a star
11. What is Mom really good at? cooking
12. What is Mom not very good at? sewing
13. What does Mom do for a job? make us work (ROFL)
14. What is Mom's favorite food? banana and peanut butter
15. What makes you happy about Mom? that you're the best mother in the whole world
16. If Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Mickey Mouse
17. What do you and Mom do together? puzzles, schoolwork
18. How are you and Mom alike? women
19. How are you and Mom different? we don't have the same skin
20. How do you know Mommy loves you? because she takes good care of us
Interview your kiddos if you dare!