Friday, October 26, 2007

College Prep

On Tuesday we went to tour the campus of the college Briana plans to attend next fall--Carson Newman.  We really enjoyed it, and liked the campus.  CN is about 45 minutes from our house, which is one of the reasons she chose it.  She didn't want to be far from home, so that she can come home on weekends.  We like that, too! 
Another reason we like it is because it is small.  Carson Newman has approximately 2100 students, and is a small, compact campus.  The girls' residence halls are right across the street from where Briana will be taking most of her general courses and her drama classes and the library.  The building where her interior design courses are is just behind the residence halls.  Even her "LONG" walk to the cafeteria will take her about 3 minutes!  Average class ratio is 17:1, although many of the interior design courses have as little as 10 students.  It is also located in a VERY small town.  (It does have the necessities---Walgreens, grocery store, pizza delivery, Dollar General (all just literally around the corner), and about 10 min. away is a WalMart.)
CN has a very good reputation for it's academics.  It is associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, however it is not as conservative as we would have liked.  We weighed this quite a bit, but the other alternatives were state colleges, which certainly would not be conservative.  Other Christian colleges in a decent range from here do not offer interior design majors.  CN offers many ministry and service opportunities.
Now that the tour is done and the decision officially made, the mind-boggling paperwork begins.  She has applied for admissions, and we are in the process of starting on scholarship applications.  As you have guessed, CN is a private college with a large price tag.  Thankfully, Briana is elligible for many scholastic scholarships.  As soon as she is accepted we can send in an application for academic scholarships that are also for early applications.  She can receive as much as $12,000-$15,000 just for getting all of her paperwork in early (and having good GPA and ACT).  As mind boggling as that amount is, if she can get that, that will only get us 1/2 way there!   Her ACT score also qualified her for the Presidential Scholarship weekend, where she will undergo several interviews and paperwork.  We are hoping that will go a lonnnnnng way toward the rest!  : )  We are also currently applying for a state scholastic scholarship for $1,500.   We'll be on the search for more to apply for!! 
 Whew.  It is a lot for this Mama's mind to keep up with.  Plus, once she has been accepted, there will be paperwork for residence halls, medical forms, etc.  I suppose this should be a cinch after adoption paperwork, 'cause this is nothing compared to that.  Let's just say that I don't know if I'd be smart enough to adopt again.   I think my brain has aged 20 years in the last 7.  : )   However, it's all good.  We feel at peace about her going to college and going to this college.  She is really excited after her tour---seeing the interior design rooms, hearing about all of the drama productions.....
And, yes, my Mama's heart is worried how I will handle her being gone from home, but I believe and have seen the Lord faithfully preparing me for that, so,'s all good!
"All thy children shall be taught of the Lord: and great shall be the peace of thy children."   Isaiah 54:13

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