Friday, July 27, 2007


My friend, Heidi, blessed me with the Blogger Reflection Award.  My first award!  Thanks Heidi!!

You can click on the icon to see how the award started and what it means.
The same week my friend, Denise, gave me the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award. 
Much more than putting an icon on my sidebar could ever mean, were the words that these ladies blessed me with in giving these awards.  I was very humbled, and yet, their words gave me a lift and a smile, and heart's blessing.  Both of these ladies are ones that I would LOVE to meet in person one day, and somehow feel like maybe that will happen--especially as much as my family likes to travel.  Both ladies are fellow adoptive moms. 
Heidi has a fun blog with lots of cool reviews and snapshots of her sweet little ones.  Her oldest daughter is growing up before my eyes.  She is a beautiful, sweet girl.  I know this because she is a friend of my older girls, and they both tell me how sweet she is.  Heidi is a sweet friend, great mom, and someone I know I can relate to. 
Denise is a mom with her hands full !!  She is a huge example of sacrifice and love.  She has 3 precious little ones, and her blog is full of their antics and challenges.  Her kids have some of the best quotes ever!  I am always blessed when I read her blog.
I am suppose to pass this award on to others.  The funny thing is that they are 2 of the ones I would have picked.  So, even though I am mentioning others here, both of you ladies consider yourselves receipients of the award once again.  Also, before I name anyone, remember I have 2 awards to pass on, so don't analyze why I mentioned you for one instead of the other. 
I would like to give the Blogger Reflection Award to:
Maria--Not sure if Maria does awards!, but I give this one to her because of her so apparent love for the Lord and her family.  Everything Maria blogs about reflects the goodness in things and people.  If your children are ever frustrating you or life is frustrating you, visit Maria, and she will remind you of the preciousness in those things.  You'll want to hug your family after you've signed off.
Juliet-  I don't know Juliet quite as well, but I have the same sense when I visit her blog.  She loves the Lord, her husband, and children.  She and her husband lead a marriage group in their home, and you can just tell how much she loves him, and how she wants to pass on the gift of a Godly marriage to other couples.  She has 3 princesses (with beautiful names), and a prince on the way.  I am so excited for her. 
Ashley- She's already received this award, and she is my daughter, but I have to mention her.  Her blog is also an encouragement to me, and reflects the love she has for the Lord.  Her desire is to be used by Him in whatever situation, but He seems to have especially blessed her in mentoring younger girls, whether through being a counselor, in missions, her blog, wherever He puts her. 
Briana-also my daughter.  Briana's blog is an account of the (many) things going on in her life.  If you look closely, though, you will see a young lady who is a blessing, sweet spirit, and is enjoying to the fullest the life God has blessed her with.  As she participates in recitals, camps, musicals, etc., she is a young lady who is known to be set apart.  She knows the God given boundaries in her life, and she will not cross them.  She is not tempted (at least rarely) by being a part of the crowd or by making sure she's not left out of something.  She knows who she is (a daughter of the King), and knows what she wants, and is not afraid to do the things that requires. 
OKAY-now on to the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award:
Nancy-  I just love to visit her blog.  She's fun, she shares neato things, funny things, and I always love to read about her chickens! (As a chicken mama wannabe, here.)  She also blesses me in my inbox weekly through the homeschool minute.  I enjoy gleaning tidbits from her homeschooling.  I wish she'd just go ahead and write me a book about her daily life! 
Betsy- is a sweet friend, whom I've had the pleasure of meeting.  She even cat-sat for me.  I don't hear from her too much these days (hint), but I always enjoy her company, even online.  She also puts a ton of work into our Tennessee Homeschool Nations blog.  You can also ask her about all of her cool science experiments!!  She's a great mom!
June-Another great friend that I was able to meet in person this past Feb. as we traveled through her state.  She has a houseful of sweet girls.  She was one of my very first blogger friends, and I enjoy her blog, reading about her family adventures, and trying not to envy her for living in Florida! 
Nancy-different Nancy.  This one is a great encouragement to me in our relaxed style of homeschooling.  She has such talented children, too.  Their family lives life on purpose, makes the most of learning and opportunities, and doesn't give in to the pressures of learning in a box. 
There are others I would add to this list, but time is prohibitive.  I have some great friends here, and those that I haven't mentioned and visit regularly are just as important in other ways.   Thank you all for being blessings in my life.
If you don't know any of these ladies, stop by and be blessed!

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