Monday, May 14, 2007

Double Digit

Sunday was Marissa's 10th birthday.  She's thinks it's so cool to be a "double digit".
Marissa loves pink, sparkles, jewelry, mud, frogs, horses, her cat- Shadow, stuffed animals, reading, being read to, playing outside, piling things in corners : ) , playing baseball with her Dad, singing, board games, camping, being cozy, making movies with her sisters.....
She would give anything to have her own horse, but we've never been able to live in a place where that was possible.  She's only ridden on a horse a couple of times, but that was just in a big circle with someone leading it with a rope.  So, yesterday, we took her to a riding stable where she had an hour long ride.  It was still a guided ride, and the horses are very trained to follow the leader, but it was about the best day ever for her.  She grinned the whole time.  She got to hold and control the reins.  Hers was the first horse behind the guide, and he talked to her some and gave her a horseshoe when it was over.  We all went for the ride (which would be the reason some of us are moaning as we walk today!), but it was most special for Marissa.  It was a gorgeous day, a nice breeze as we climbed 3100 feet from the stable, and I had the best time watching my girl have the time of her life. 
After the horse riding, we looked at some of the other animals --emus, turkey, teeny tiny baby rabbits, a llama, piglets, peacocks, ducks sitting on their eggs, and more.  We then went back into town for a doughnut at Krispy  Cream--Yum!  It's been forever since I had a doughnut, especially a warm glazed one that melted in your mouth.  (drool!)  We headed to the park next, where they played for an hour or so.  Then we went to Papa John's, ordered our pizza, ran across the street to the bookstore and got her several more Children's Classics (which she devours), and got Daniella a couple of books.  We went back to pick up our pizza and took it back to the park.  It was pretty dark by that point, but there were low lights about, so we ate our pizza at the picnic table next to the creek.  We didn't get home until about 10:00 last night, but it was a great memory making day.
On her horse, Mississippi
Marissa with her new pink bat.
              Happy Birthday Marissa!!!

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