When I say "relaxed", I do not mean that we don't do any structured school. We just do some of it in different way than sitting down at books. Math and cursive writing are the only things that we *usually* use a book for. We are also not glued to a tight "have to" schedule. We have taken the areas that we feel are important for our girls and are focusing on those. We do lots of reading and life learning. I feel so much freer this week, and we are all feeling much happier. The ironic thing is that now that I have become more relaxed with Marissa, it has given me an opportunity to become a little more structured and spend more time with Daniella. She wasn't getting much of anything from me. She *loves* working in Kindergarten workbooks, but I had no time to help her before. Now we can do a few pages.
If anyone doubts that the relaxed method works, email me, and I will tell you about my older girls, their lives, and their ACT scores!!

Daniella had a great time this morning watching a woodpecker and a "flock" of robins in the backyard. She ran to get the Birds field guide, and was so proud of herself that she found the woodpeckers in the book.
I had an unexpected, wonderful visit from a friend today. I have known her for about 13 years, but only in the last few have we begun talking more. Marissa, Daniella, and her daughter love to play together. She is super busy with her kids' music, so we don't visit a lot, even when the girls get to, but we had a wonderful visit today. She stopped by to pick up some spices and herbs we had ordered, saying she could only come in to write the check and had to run. She stayed an hour and 20 min. It was a refreshing, great afternoon. (She, too, confirmed my schooling decisions!)
Well, we're off on another trip soon. We are leaving next week for Disney World. The first morning we are there, we have reservations for breakfast in Epcot at the Norweign castle with the Disney princesses. My girls (even the big ones) are excited about it. We were going to get 4 day passes, but when we went to order, we could get a 5th day for only $7 each more, so we did that. We might use part of that extra day to go to the Animal Kingdom to do their African Safari ride. Since they have been into watching the Africam, the little ones are excited to do that. We also plan a day at SeaWorld while we are down there. Also, if we can work out the logistics, I am very excited that we might get to meet June and her 5 girls. We will be taking our camper, and staying in the Fort Wilderness Campground. We've done that a couple of times before. That place is HUGE. It is a more expensive than a campground off grounds, but much of that is made up in the fact that you don't have to pay parking. The rest is made up in the convenience. You take a bus from your campground loop straight to the monorail. You can also take a bus to the lake, then ride the boat straight over to Magic Kingdom. We may skip that trip since it's February. Well, as I've sat here and typed about it, I've gotten myself excited about the trip. I don't think I've taken the time to think about it too much, and it hasn't really sank in that we're about to go.
Leave me a comment!!!
