Friday, March 17, 2006


My family is going to visit my sister and 2 neices today.  They actually live about 8 hours away, but are visiting my parents only 2 hours away.  We only get to see them once or twice a year, so we're all excited to get to go. 

I love just going to my mom's anyway.  They live on a cul-de-sac, where the only traffic  you usually see is the one next door neighbor or someone lost, and they live on a small quiet lake (trolling motors only).  It is SOOOO  peaceful.  Of course, it probably won't be today, but I still love to be over there.  I love to go sit out on the dock when it is warm enough and just watch the water and listen to the geese and other birds.  Only occassionally do you see any other people.  It's not that I don't like people !  It's just great to take a quiet, peaceful break.  Two summers ago, I spent 4 days over there just with me and my parents.  Now, that was a rest. 

I guess I'd better get so we can make the most of our day.  Hope everyone else has a blessed day!

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