I did make a decision about the MS trip. We are doing both. James and I have center 4th row seats to the opening night of Briana's musical! Yay! And, a date night at that! My sister and her 2 girls are going to be at my parents' house that week on their spring break, so it's going to be a packed house of not only granddaughters and adults, but FIVE inside dogs, a cat, and a parrot! Thank goodness it's only one night. LOL. All the people I can handle. All the barking (including the African Gray Parrot...yes, he barks and sounds *exactly* like my dogs. He has 2 different barks! Sometimes he barks, and I think it's the dog. He can also do an awesome cat.) is what will make me crazy!! Anyway! We will drive over there that afternoon, James and I go to the musical that night while the cousins play, get up and drive the next day to MS, and go to the Scout dinner that night. And, Belinda, it would be wonderful if I had children who slept in the car! Daniella used to sleep great in the car up until the last couple of years. Marissa will doze off on occasion if she's tired enough. We'll have Sat. and Sun. to pretty much laze around if we want to recooperate, though. We will visit my MIL and granny Sun-Tues.
I have a house full of sick girls this week. Briana actually started it when she was here a week and a half ago. She had a cold, which passed to Ashley the first of last week. Thursday Daniella started with a fever for a couple of days. She was getting better, at least I thought, over the weekend, but has now started with the real head cold symptoms, and she's started running a low grade fever again. I pray it doesn't turn into a sinus infection. Marissa has fought it off, and I thought she was out of the woods until last night she started complaining of a scratchy throat. Sure enough, she woke up at 7:00 this morning with a fever. I've had trouble keeping it under 102 today. Had to put her in the tub at one point. Now Ashley is feeling yucky again today. We're not really sure what the problem is, and praying it's not going to turn into anything again. We have been doing all the preventative.....vit. c, echinaccea, silver, garlic, an herbal biotic for the little ones.....
I know I've mentioned FB a lot, but I've got to tell the coolest thing. I guess I lead a sheltered life, because this is so entertaining to me! LOL. First, this week my sister noticed that a lady she knows in her town in West TN is friends with the girl that grew up across the street from us in central MS. They were sorority sisters in AK.!! The same day, I was on the FB wall of the sister of my friend Sheila. Her sister's name is Cathy. So, I notice that Cathy, who lives in TX, has a friend there who just discovered Cathy was from our hometown in MS. The friend, Dorothy, tells Cathy she didn't know she was from MS, and that she grew up in this other small town about 30 min. away. Seemed like a small world thing. Well, that small town Dorothy grew up in is the same town my MOM grew up in and where my granny and most of my relatives live! Not only did she grow up in the town, and not only does she know all of my relatives, she went to the same small church with them, knows as much about them as I do (LOL), and she is related to my great uncle by marriage. If that's not enough, it turns out that her brother married a girl I was friends with in school, and he was at my wedding! As Sheila said, it's amazing how small the world gets with technology!
Okay, thanks for humoring me. No one seems as impressed by that story as me!
On the homeschool front, other than today, we have accomplished some things this week inspite of sickness. We read about Paul Revere and did a project about him, read about "the shot heard round the world", and Marissa and I wrote a "newspaper" article about the battle. We finished up the 3rd book in a series we had started a long time ago~ The Adventures of an Arctic Missonary series by Gloria Repp. We loved it, even though we did take a long break between book 2 and 3. We wanted a book 4. That was also a great series to have discussions about lots of subjects~ wilderness survival, airplanes, geography and topography, amulets and shamans and worshiping nature, and lots more. We started another Box Car Children book for Daniella's benefit, plus her math and spelling, along with some crafts. Marissa has done a great deal of independent reading, and James has read more to Daniella.
I'll leave you with a picture of Mokoi and baby Ashley (my daughter's namesake). If you didn't read my last entry, baby Ashley died about 2 weeks ago. Please lift Mokoi up in prayer.