Thursday, July 10, 2008

Just When You Think You Have Everything Figured Out OR Freaking Out Mother OR Major Change in College Plans

As you probably remember, for the last year Briana has been getting ready to attend a college about 45 min. away this fall.  She has always enjoyed interior design, and has been really excited to study it and attend this college. 
Except for the doubts. 
They weren't there all the time.   They would just creep in on occasion.  See, there was an original decision to make about whether to pursue interior design or musical theater.  She settled on the design, because she thought it would be more practical, although, she couldn't fathom giving up either one.  To try to compensate, she was going to minor in theater, although it wasn't musical theater, which is her love.  So only occasionally would she doubt~~until November.  In November she grieved for a long time after the Nutcracker that her stage life was almost over.  She prayed a lot, and eventually settled back in.  Except now in hind sight, I'm not sure if she ever got back to the place of interest in interior design that she had been.  I think it's been a slow simmer this spring.  By the time she finished her recital (which has not only ballet, but quite a bit of musical theater type production numbers), then went to her annual 2 week muscial theater camp, she was in "crisis". 
So last week, exactly one week before orientation and writing a really big check, she came to me and said that this was not what she wanted.  She would enjoy learning some about interior design, but it was not what she wanted to do.  Her heart longs for musical theater.  Even with that, it was not an easy decision.  She loves the campus she was supposed to attend, was reluctant to make such a huge decision, and had no idea where to go from here.  We had one week to decide what to do, and Dad is in Guatemala.  (Can you say, "Okay, Mom, take a deep breath and pray?") 
I certainly wasn't set on her majoring in interior design (it's totally their decision whether they even attend college), but like her, was afraid to make such a big decision in a week's time.  After prayer and long conversations, she has decided to not go to college this year.  She has trust in the Lord leading her.  He knows the desires of her heart, and in fact, He is the author of them.  Yes, the atmosphere of the theater concerns me, but I am fully confident in Him and where He will lead and where He will protect.  Plus, I know she is very strong in her faith, and is not afraid to "miss out" or step out of something she does not agree with. 
So, now what?  We don't have a clue.  In some form or fashion and location, if it works out, we plan for it to include voice lessons, tap, and further ballet lessons.  We have a little over a month to figure that out if she is to start in the fall.  I'm not sure if she will live at home.  We are looking at Christian colleges with musical theater degrees for next year, and if that works out, she will probably be 4-5 hours from home.  I'm not at all ready to say what will happen.  The Lord is definitely still revealing Himself in this, and it may turn out that college is not the way she will go.  Briana's long term goals are to have a family and stay at home, but I know He will do so much through her until then.  He knows the plans He has for her. 
That seems to be the theme for our family this year~~  "I have plans for you.  Just be still and wait on me." 
Spring Recital
Lyrical Solo to Rachael Lampa's "No Greater Love"  (Christian song)

Ballet en Pointe~Briana is front and center


Triple Threat Summer Intensive Program, June 2008
Briana's Monologue~The Stepsister Speaks Out 

Musical Theater Class
Pointe class~below
   See the lady in the pink on the far right side, clapping?  She is the pointe teacher, and her husband teaches ballet.  They were both in the Kirov Ballet (Russian), and we were told this year that he was the succesor to Mikhail Baryshnikov.  This playhouse is ideally where Briana would love to train this next year, but housing is an issue. 
A couple of people have asked about an update on the mission trip.  I don't know much.  I do know that Sunday night, "many" people came forward at alter call.  I know that it has rained torents, as of this morning neither Ashley or James has been sick, they are on their way tonight back to Anigua, and will fly home tomorrow.  I am SOOOO past ready.  I'll update next week. 
Please pray for their flight tomorrow, and for Briana as she continues to seek God's direction for her life this next year.
If you are interested in seeing video of any of the recital dances go here.  There are more pictures and videos of other performances in my "On Stage" category.
Another P.S.  I don't have any clue why this ended up in three different fonts, but this computer has run so amazingly, disgustingly slow today that this post has taken absolutely forever, so 3 fonts it is!

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