Thursday, May 8, 2008

How Moms Worship

I struggled for a couple of years with my ministry.  Most of this occured after we left the home church setting and returned to a "traditional" church.  Some of it occured as I read about other homeschool moms.  It took a long time of prayer, my sweet husband's encouragement, and the encouragement of a couple of other ladies in my life~one here on blogger; one in my church~for me to accept that God is pleased with my ministry of motherhood being my main ministry at this point in my life.  You, see, I knew that in my heart.  I knew that this is what He called me to, but I let other people and their perceived expectations make me think I was falling short because I am not a Sunday School teacher, choir teacher, committee member, etc.  This is not to criticize those who are, but to encourage some out there not to do those things out of others' expectations, guilt, or confused thinking.  Of course I pray for others and encourage others as the Lord gives me opportunity, but without a doubt, discipling the 4 girls that God gave me is my ministry.  I have finally reached the point in the last year that I do not feel guilty, and I do not have to be concerned about the judgements of others. 
I hope Julie doesn't mind.  I stole this great video off of her blog.  Listen, and let the words minister to your heart, especially if you have young children who need you every waking minute. 

Happy Mother's Day

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