Last Saturday we took her with 2 of her friends and Daniella to Wacky Bear.
Trying to choose the perfect bear

There were so many "oooohs" and "ohhhhhhs" over all of the little clothes.

Coming to life

This is a good friend of Marissa's. They play together a good bit. She's only a year and a half younger than Marissa. She's just very petite. Marissa is actually very small compared to most kids her age. Another friend below in the blue soccer shirt, is also smaller than Marissa, and she is 9 months older than Marissa.
They love their bears~meet Bubbles and Morgan.

A successful shopping excursion~4 bears and a dinosaur, not to mention several outfits that the girls bought themselves.

The extra little girl on the right end is a sibling that came along. No, Daniella is not that tall (on the left). She's sitting on the window ledge~hence no feet below the bag. Can you see all of the photographers reflected in the window?
We left Wacky Bear and went to a small park close by. It was a beautiful sunny day, great temp with a breeze, and the park is right on the river.
Playing tag. The two facing this way are on base.

Yes, the bears went to the playground, too!

Taking a rest

What we're resting from

Today the family is going to play putt-putt (mom has 4 free passes!) I have a strawberry freezer cake made (her favorite that she has every year), and I'm making one of her favorite meals for dinner.
Happy Birthday Marissa
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