Saturday, November 25, 2006


Briana is dancing in the Nutcracker this weekend.  Her first performance was last night.  She is in Knoxville this morning where they're perfoming the 2nd Act at Fantasy of Trees, and she has one more perfomance of the full show tonight in Gatlinburg again.  She managed to talk James into "dancing" in the party scene with her again this year.  He did it with Ashley and Briana 2 years ago.  It's not what he would choose to do for entertainment, but he's a sweet dad, who does it for them.  There are only a couple of guy dancers at this studio, so the director asks for dads or boyfriends to volunteer for the party scene.  He doesn't really do much actual dancing, except for a few steps here and there.  Mostly, he twirls her or assists her, and they "mingle" with the other party guests in the background while the children dance.  Here are a few shots from last night's performance. 

James and Briana posing before the show.

Entering the party with their 4 "daughters".  (Those girls have been calling them Mommy and Daddy for 2 weeks.  I got introduced as their grandma last night.  Geesh!)

Briana and James are in the center of the picture.

James built the clock you see in the background, along with the swords for the Nutcracker and the Mouse King, and the wind up key for the mechanical doll.

Briana in Snow.  You aren't seeing double.  There is another dancer directly behind her.

Briana on the right.

Waltz of the Flowers.  Briana is 3rd from the right.

Marissa presented flowers to the Dew Drop Fairy.

Daniella presented flowers to Clara, but I missed it!  Thankfully, I have another chance tonight.  You can see her a little toward the right of the picture between the 2nd and 3rd dancer, walking off the stage.When she walked out on the stage, half the audience went, "Awww." 


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