Isn't that so cool? It's made out of computer paper. It's really pretty (and big), and I still have it hanging.
Ashley tagged me forever ago, and like the great mommy I am, I'm finally remembering to do it! Also, my new friend, Julie, tagged me to list 6 unimportant things about me, and I think this tag definitely has that covered!!
8 Things I am passionate about...
1. God and growing in Him
2. my family
3. adoption
4 sponsoring poor children through Compassion International and Orbit Ministries
5 helping people through Samaritan's Purse or Orbit Ministries
6. going to the gulf coast
7. U.S. traveling
8. Chocolate
8 Things I say often...
1. Marissa!
2. Daniella!
3. Smoky! (hold out the "o" sound, and say it in a sweet mushie voice in order to make him hush (He's an AFrican grey parrot)
4. "clean up this junk; up where it goes, not piled somewhere, or stuck in a corner"
5. Have you brushed your teeth?
6. Somebody let the dog in.
7. I love you.
8. Please be kind to each other, and act like you like each other.
8 Things I've read recently...
1. Echo in the Darkness (current read)
2. A Voice in the Wind (#1 in this series)
3. a chapter in Isaiah
4. 2 chapters in 1 Timothy
5. blogs
6. WORLD magazine
7. Bible story books nightly to Daniella
8. Because of Winn Dixie to Marissa and Daniella
8 Things I want to do before I die...
1. Have a much deeper relationship with my Lord
2. See my children grown and married
3. Be a grandma
4. cultivate *close* friendships
5. be a better hostess
6. travel all over the country
7. be more motivated and organized
8. scrapbook
8 Things I can listen to over & over again & probably have...
1. Not much, and I don't listen to music too awful much
2. I like praise songs
3. some classical
4. a couple of old timey gospel cd's I have
8 Things that attract me to my friends...
I'm just keeping Ashley's list. It about covers it.
1. Someone who is real
2. Someone I can be real with
3. Similar beliefs / convictions
4. Godliness
5. Encouraging
6. Fun - can be silly together
7. Someone I can talk to easily about whatever
8. A few similar interests
8 Things I learned this year...
1. I really CAN keep my mouth shut, AND stay in the same room if I put my mind to it.
2. some history about the fall of Jerusalem and about Rome
3. that it's really awesome when God is speaking so clearly to you and your husband on the same issues
4. I could list a lot of things I "learned" from the Lord, but they would be mostly "reminders"
5. That children can learn to spell really great if you give them time and don't force spelling lists on them-they learn because that's what children do if they are reading and engaged in life
6. That I can cook 7 nights in a row without breaking out in hives
7. To be less fretfull, and wait in peace
8. some information about my grandfathers and what they did in WWII
8 Random facts about me....
1. I get spooked at night by myself, especially if I have to spend the night without James here
2. I love raw brocolli and spinach, but will not eat it cooked.
3. Chocolate is my greatest downfall
4. I like to dance with my children
5. I am a terrible housekeeper
6. but, at the same time I am a perfectionist-just not with my dust
7. I have one sister, and no aunts or uncles
8. I was terrified God was going to give us a boy, and now I wish we had one
Another thing that happened long ago that I neglected was to thank Heidi for this award-not that I could ever keep up with blogging on a daily basis. But's it's nice to know someone would care enough to come by daily!

Hugs to all,