Twenty-One Candles!!!
Today (the 27th), our oldest daughter, Ashley, turns 21 !!!

Ashley is such a
joy and great daughter, with a gentle and quiet spirit. She has such a
servant's heart, and wants to do nothing but have a life pleasing to the
Lord. Since she was in 1st grade, she has felt a calling to missions
or ministry of some kind. That has never wavered, and she is preparing
herself through school and her growing relationship with the
Lord, waiting for the area God will call her to, whether it's full time
ministry, volunteering, counseling, or through her writing.
Ashley is always
there willing to help me out, whether with things in the house, helping
me with the little girls, or running errands. She is my friend. I
frequently ask her input and opinions on things. She is fun-loving,
funny, helpful, sincere, mature, hardworking, devoted, and passionate. I
love to spend time with her.
Other than mission
work and writing, she also dreams of traveling to far off lands (she'll
have to wait for a husband that dreams of far off lands!!), having a
family, and possibly adopting.
If you are interested in reading Ashley's exciting entrance into this world, you can click HERE. There are also several of her baby and growing up pictures there.
Here is a video that
I will probably get in trouble for, but you've just got to hear this
southern accent, and see my little cutie. She was 2 1/2 in this video.
You can stop by her blog and wish her happy birthday.